Lisa Bent's debut romance novel, Symona’s Still Single (2020), was published as part of the ground-breaking #Twentyin2020 cohort, which saw 20 Black British writers published in the same year by independent publishing house Jacaranda, a first in the UK.
Her second book is called Bombshell (2024) - a romance comedy co-written with Alison Hammond, published by Penguin.
Lisa has written for The Independent, Stylist Magazine and Porter Magazine. She is currently writing the sequel to Symona’s Still Single.
Interviewed By Saskia Kabongo
SK: What inspired you to write Symona’s Still Single, and was there a specific moment that pushed you to start?
LB: On Facebook I used to share my opinion on everything from politics, films to my dating trials and tribulations which always got the most likes and comments. When my friend sent me a competition from Jacaranda, a Black-owned independent publishing house calling for 20 Black British writers, I decided to go for it and here I am, one of the 20 published in 2020. This was and still is groundbreaking. No mainstream or independent publishing house has ever done this.
SK: Your background is in Psychology and HR. How did that influence the way you developed Symona’s character and her journey of self-discovery?
LB: My background in Psychology has heavily influenced how I developed Symona. I wanted a protagonist that was self-aware and knew the importance of self-love to show what dating looked like from this standpoint, which I would have loved to have read when growing up.
Being your whole self is important; however, I show the contradiction of this in the workplace. My insights and experiences are not unique. The aim of including them is to resonate with those who have. For those who haven’t … yet, it’s a signpost to show, reassure and help.
The unspoken pressure to assimilate, code switch to get by and succeed while finding your voice to advocate for yourself is a journey in itself.
SK: Did you draw from any personal experiences while writing this novel, or were the characters and scenarios purely fictional?
LB: The majority of the book is fiction. However, there are a few personal experiences within that I have changed and embellished so it’s no longer my story but it remains grounded in realism to feel believable.
SK: Writing a debut novel can be a challenging process. What were some of the biggest obstacles you faced while bringing this story to life?
LB: As I’ve never written a book before I didn’t know if I was doing it right. Letting go of self-doubt and giving myself permission to just write was a big hurdle in the beginning. Cultivating my discipline and creative process was a journey alongside rebuking the word “writer's block” to embrace taking a break. Hard deadlines are scary.
SK: The book beautifully balances humour and emotional depth. Was that intentional from the start, and how did you find that balance in your writing?
LB: I didn’t want to just write a romance novel filled with fantasy and 90’s music video dreams. I wanted to bring to life the real struggle of Black British women in their late thirties because our / their stories weren’t being told. My Facebook posts showed me I wasn’t alone. My friendship groups told me I wasn’t alone, and so I knew there would be others who felt the same. I wanted my book to highlight these important feelings for us to be seen and heard.
The balance lives in good storytelling and my vibrant, personable and relatable characters.
SK: What was the most rewarding part of writing Symona’s Still Single?
LB: The accomplishment of following through with the creative labour and birthing a book I am proud off.
It’s also rewarding receiving lovely messages from readers who have been touched by Symona’s story and gone out of their way to tell me. It’s always a nice surprise that I do not take for granted.
SK: The book challenges societal pressures on women to be in relationships by a certain age. How do you think these expectations impact Black British women specifically?
LB: The pressures are a mixture of culture, tradition and society. Within society there are stereotypes, beauty trends and the rest, all of which are layered and feed into each other. The reality of the biological ticking clock is ticking can cause a lot of stress. Childlessness is another form or grief no one talks about.
SK: What message do you hope readers take away from Symona’s journey, especially those who feel pressured to "have it all figured out"?
LB: I hope readers see the importance of self-awareness, self-acceptance and self-love. How having a willingness to delve into introspection can release you from your past and provide an opportunity to change your current situation and future.
No one has it all figured it. We can only work with where we are, with what we know. In time what we know becomes wisdom and discernment, but it’s reflection that enables us to acknowledge this.
Become the best version of yourself. Hold that vision high.
SK: How do you think past relationships shape the way people approach love? Does Symona’s experience reflect common patterns you’ve seen in real life?
LB: How we were raised and how we are treated by family, friends and lovers all contribute to what we think of ourselves, what we expect and what we think we deserve from all types of love and relationships.
Symona’s journey is only one story of hundreds. However, at the centre no matter what your story, self-esteem, self-belief, self-worth, self-confidence, self-acceptance and self-love will be impacted to various degrees. This will also be the common pattern.
SK: Symona’s dating experiences highlight the complexities of being a Black woman in the dating world. Why was it important for you to show these realities?
LB: It was important to show it because it exists. I wanted the reader to walk alongside Symona and in-turn feel seen, heard and understood.
SK: In London, dating can be exciting but also overwhelming. How did the city influence the way you wrote Symona’s love life?
LB: I am a Londoner, and for my first book I wanted to pull from my experiences and observations to bring it to life in a richer way that resonates with fellow Londoners.
SK: The men Symona dates each represent different challenges and relationship dynamics. Did you want readers to recognize these types of men from their own experiences?
LB: I wanted to show that while it may be easy to generalise, no man is the same and therefore no relationship is the same. The signs may be different too, but there are signs, red and green flags and it’s really important to pay attention. The book is designed to speak to as many people as possible in the hope that something resonates.
SK: What are some of the biggest misconceptions people have about dating as a Black British woman, and did you aim to address those in the book?
LB: A single Black woman in her late thirties to early / mid-forties is loaded with accusations that she must be difficult, too picky or career driven. If you are also childless those labels also apply, though more focus given to career drive.
I also wanted to address that a woman shooting her shot doesn’t make her desperate.
SK: As a British-Jamaican woman, how did your heritage influence the way you wrote Symona’s character and her experiences?
LB: Symona is a Black Woman because I am. It is laced with cultural flair as a result. The spiritual touch through her Grandma I would say is the clearest influence.
SK: There’s a growing demand for more authentic Black British love stories in mainstream fiction. How do you feel about the current state of representation in publishing?
LB: Due to Jacaranda’s groundbreaking competition and the death of George Floyd the literary landscape has a wealth of brilliant Black British authors which is growing. This is not only necessary but refreshing, especially as when I was growing up I had never read a romance novel by a Black British author.
SK: Did you feel any pressure to write a certain type of story to fit industry expectations, or did you stay true to your vision from the start?
My intention was not to create a Black Bridget Jones. I stayed true to my vision from the start with full support from my publisher Valerie Brandes.
SK: You speak on topics like mental health, self-acceptance, and "showing up as your whole self." How do these themes connect to Symona’s journey?
LB: Without giving too much away, these are themes that people navigate in the journey of life. One in four people are likely to have a mental health issue in any given year, I believe it’s higher than that. I show you Symona’s journey in the hope readers will audit where they are at.
SK: Many women struggle with self-worth when it comes to relationships. What advice would you give to those trying to find confidence in their singlehood?
LB: Being single is the perfect time to reflect, heal and bloom. To love the parts that need attention, to understand who you are, what makes you tick and to build confidence and self-worth.
Two halves make a whole, but there is so much more power and beauty in understanding you are already whole, you don’t need to seek “a better half.”
Romance your life. Find your joy. Enjoy exploring yourself and working out what sparks you up. Take the solo trip. Get comfortable with being in your own space, alone. Enjoy the time that doesn’t require negotiating.
The work done in the single space is the grounding and foundation of who you are and what you will or won’t tolerate. Self-love is first love. You set the bar.
SK: Symona’s Still Single is your debut novel. Do you have plans to write another book, perhaps a sequel?
LB: Bombshell is my second romance novel co-written with Alison Hammond, released November 2024.
The sequel has been cooking and taking longer than expected. Who told me to leave the book in a funny place? Lol. I mean, I could leave it there, but I think you are all intrigued to see how it all ends.
SK: What’s next for you as an author and speaker? Are there any exciting projects in the works?
LB: This year I hope to be more visible and vocal. I am a panel guest at The Alternative Book Fair on 5th March. It’s a Jacaranda takeover at Islington Library and I will be joined by fellow romance writers Sareeta Domingo and Rasheda Ashanti Malcolm. It’s a free event, so come through and say hello.
SK: If you could tell your younger self one thing about writing and publishing, what would it be?
LB: Your story, style and voice are important. Just give yourself permission to write, and write. There is a publisher who will just get it.
Saskia Kabongo is a journalism student at the University of Leicester with a passion for storytelling. She is inspired by authors and their writing, always eager to learn more about their creative process. Through her interviews, she aims to share meaningful conversations that highlight the people behind the stories.